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Sharing…Question…Nepal Earthquake 2105

I think the word share came from eating a banana while sitting next to someone on a log in the woods. 10,000 years ago the other guy looked hungry, some banana was offered..the word share began…not gift, but share.. Sharing has somehow been forgotten…Gifting is popular, but sharing has become remote. I think it is because we don’t sit around on logs anymore. Our friends live in houses separately and go about insulated in cars. Those we are next to at stop lights are “strangers”. Offering to share a banana with a guy at a stop light might cause unimaginable issues to arise. Better to buy a gift and present it wrapped, to someone we know personally. When tragedy or need occurs far away, far from our log, is it possible to share?

Sharing contains something that money or gifts do not always contain. Sharing implies giving of something that you are enjoying or that is in your possession. That means that there is caring ….affection….possibly even sacrifice. These three words name what money cannot buy, but are also beneficial in times of need. Humanity..the quality of being humane is made of sharing. How is it best to share with those in need, who we don’t know, and are not near?

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