“My work investigates the origins of our existence.”
- NS 2020
In her large format prints, exploding dust particles and shifting landscapes appear and disappear in vigorous color and motion. These impermanent forms and places leave us with no firm place to stand; yet we are at home. She promises no answers as she leads us deep into physicality in search of previously unperceived invisible phenomena.
The self-portraits are steadfast, resigned, defined and unchangeable. While they are filled with energy, there is no movement within, no shifting landscape. We see time confirmed in resolute eternal emotion. Emotion that has no form, yet we recognize it. Our own experience and knowledge defines what we see in her face.
Nina Sobell is honest, revealing, tender yet brutal.
She lives and works in NYC.
What is between us… The title of her book containing these and many other artworks can be ordered on Second Guess Press

Consciousness Gifts